< Technical Data >
Overall length 1,495mm
Overall width 200mm
Overall height 400mm
Gear ratio 10.53:1:5.06
Gross weight approx. 5,300g
Main rotor diameter
1,606mm (with 720mm rotor installed)
Tail Rotor Diameter
290mm (with 105mm rotor installed)
< Items required before flight >
Tail rotor with 3 pieces (110~115mm)
3 main rotors (720~787mm)
Amplifier (ESC)
Example:Castlecreations Phoenix IceHV120
Motor BLS4035-500Kv or higher
Battery 6s-5000mAhx2
Propo 6ch or more for helicopters of various companies
Servos x 4
3-axis gyro x 1